We are an EI4Life (Emotional Intelligence for Life/Play is the Way) school. Our purpose is to develop a caring, safe learning environment where students’ thrive as they develop as life-long learners. After consultation with whānau, students and the community, our key values are ‘We are kind’ and ‘We always try our best’. We aim to develop independent, self-managing, self-motivated, empathetic tamariki (children) in pursuit of their personal best.
We have a bike track on our school grounds that was originally planned by senior students. It is a community resource, often used by groups from our local high school and early childhood centres. We have 32 bikes and helmets in a range of sizes available on site to be used by our students. This was made possible by generous sponsorship.
Lumsden School’s curriculum delivery is enriched by:
Outdoor Education
Year 5-6 camps.
Junior trips.
Whole school experiences.
Winter Adventure Day.
Culturally responsive approach to teaching and learning
Strong relationships with students and whānau (families).
Integration of te reo me ōna tikanga Māori.
Whānau groups.
Whare tapa whā time.
Kapa Haka.
Structured Literacy
Using the iDeaL Learning Matters approach, lessons are taught in an explicit way. Teachers follow a scope and sequence which supports the Science of Learning. Concepts are taught in an ordered lesson format and these are linked to reading, writing and handwriting. Structured Literacy is taught in all classrooms from Year 0-6.
Pre Concepts Stage is where the students learn letter sounds.
Phonological Awareness which is taking the prior learning further. They learn to match the sound to the written letter.
The next stage is Alphabetic Principle where lessons bridge the students' understanding of what the letter sounds like and looks like to reading and writing the sounds and letters they know.
After this teachers use the iDeaL Spelling Stage lessons, stages 2-4. Eight lessons teaching each concept are taught over a two week period. Usually there are four lessons per week.
Extra support is given through our Tier 2 and 3 support programmes.
From 2025 we will be following a structured maths mastery approach that has a clear scope and sequence.
The Arts
Biannual school production.
Opportunities for children to showcase and celebrate their talents.
Lumsden's Got Talent.
Integrated Learning
Learning topics are interesting and relevant.
Digital Technology
1:2 ratio of devices schoolwide to allow children to become 21st century learners.
Variety of technology including chromebooks, iPads, TVs in each class and the staffroom that supports programmes.
Kapa Haka is an incredibly important part of our school culture! Our school Waiata was written by Willie Solomon and our school Haka was written by students, then translated and developed by Parker Ormond.
We perform biannually at Murihiku Polyfest. Our Kapa Haka is a real source of pride for our ākonga (learners), whānau (families) and community.
We practise weekly for the last half hour on Thursdays.