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Newsletter 11 - May 7th 2021

Kia ora koutou

It’s great to be back and has been wonderful to see all of our students again after the break returning with so much enthusiasm. There’s a real buzz around the school and the term is off to a good start. I’d like to welcome Oleta Crawford to our staff. She is our new Teacher Aide supporting teachers, and students in their learning. Welcome Oleta.

There’s a lot on this term and we’re hoping for some input from you as well as your attendance at our Matariki night. If you are able to join us on July 7 from about 5:30 it would be appreciated. We’re planning on some Kapa Haka, showing off some of the learning that has been taking place as well as having a Hangi with the support of the Hokonui Rūnanga. We want to make sure there is enough kai for all so will be gauging interest in the next week or two.

Thanks to everyone who came to the Dawn Service. It was great to have so many of our students there, it’s important for them to be involved with, and to experience this first hand. I know it’s been a talking point this week.

Despite the nice ending to the school break and the lovely weather this week, there is already a bit of snow up on the hills in places which is a reminder that we need to be prepared in case of a snow day. We have steps in place that we need to follow in the event school might be cancelled. If snow has fallen:

· The Principal of NSC gets in touch with several people in strategic locations around our school zone to find out what it’s like on the ground out there

o While this is happening the bus manager is contacting drivers

· They decide whether the buses will run or not which is then relayed to the other school principals

· I consult with our BOT Chairperson to decide whether the school will close for the day

· This information is then shared to families through email and School-Stream

There are other factors to consider too than just the buses, including the availability of staff, most of whom live away from town. So although town students might be able to get to school, our staff might not. We know families need this information as early as possible and every attempt will be made to do so. On days where it is questionable, we’ll confirm school is open as soon as we are able to.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Welcome to School

It has been great to welcome Tilli Priest and Lynsey Baucke to school this week. Tilli is in Room 5 and Lynsey has joined Room 4. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.


School Working Bee

Jeff Keen is organising a Working Bee on Sunday 16 May at 1:00. Previously there has been quite a good turnout and it's a case of many hands make light work. If you're able to come and lend a hand for a while it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to the group of parents who were at school over the break having a tidy up around our grounds. The shade sails were taken down for the season and the leaves around the building were all removed. Thank you, it's a challenging time of year but our grounds are looking wonderful.


Westpac Chopper Appeal

This morning we had a visit from the Westpac Chopper Appeal Bike Riders on their way from Queenstown to Invercargill via Gore, a total of 245 kms. Two of the riders, Aaron Gate and Campbell Stewart, are heading to the Olympics later in the year. We are planning to have a fundraiser for the Appeal on 25th June.


Buddy Reading

Most Tuesday mornings for the last few years, Lumsden School children have benefitted from the time and dedication of community members who come into school to sit down and read with them. It would be great to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining this buddy reading team. Please contact the school office on 03 248 7474 for any further information. Thank you.


School Lawns

Here are the guidelines to follow;

· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket

· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill

· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow

· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.

The roster is:

  • Start or May Drummond Family

  • End of May Williams Family


2021 Rugby Season

First game kicks off tomorrow Saturday the 8th May at 11.30 am at Mossburn Pirates rugby grounds. Rippa and C grade meet there at 11am for a quick practice warm up and uniforms hand out.

For those, who didn’t do registration yet:

Please, can you register your child before Saturday’s game at:



Music Lessons

Piano, guitar, singing.

Lessons will be available one afternoon a week at Lumsden School library for individual students or small groups. To register interest please contact Judy Blair on 027 2604415 or with your child’s first and last names, age, and instrument.

Lessons will start next week.


Try lessons for four weeks, payable in advance, if your child doesn’t like it, there is no obligation to continue.

Private: $80 for four weeks.

Pairs: $40 each for four weeks.

Guitar group: $30 each for four weeks.

Regular Lesson Prices:

Private ½ hour: $25.

Pairs (same instrument and similar level) ½ hour: $15 each.

Guitar special: groups of up to 4 for ½ hour: $10 each.

These prices include worksheets and music. Students should have access to an instrument for daily practice and a clearfile to keep music in.



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