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Newsletter 14 - June 4th 2021

Kia ora koutou

What a simply amazing day at Northern Cross Country yesterday. Not a breath of air and the sun was out the whole time. A huge contrast to the preliminary rounds the week previously. Congratulations to everyone who made it through. The course was certainly a bit more of a challenge than the Garston one which I know caught some by surprise. I’ve not seen the official results but we’re hopeful we’ll have some students off to Southland Cross Country, we’ll keep you posted.

I was fortunate enough to attend the Rural Principal’s conference in Taranaki last week. It was a good opportunity to connect with other rural principals from around the country and visit schools. There was a lot of learning which I know I’ll be reflecting on for some time. Something that occured to me several times during the conference was how lucky we are here in Lumsden. Not all schools have a supportive community, proactive, knowledgeable BOT and high quality staff. Our school is the success it is because of the collective effort made by everyone. Thanks for your input and effort, it really is noticed and appreciated.

Our teachers who are members of NZEI Te Riu Roa will be attending a paid union meeting on Thursday 17 June. The purpose of these meetings is for teachers to discuss the priorities for the renegotiation of their collective agreement in 2022. Issues being discussed, such as school staffing levels, directly impact on the education of your children. These meetings are a critical component of the negotiation process and it is the legal right of all members to attend a meeting and have their say. While there will be some impact on the usual school programme that day, we have made adjustments to minimise disruption.

I hope you all have a great long weekend. As well as it being Queens-birthday weekend it’s also a great way to celebrate being half way through the term! Finally, we want to wish Lana Stevens the best of luck as she performs in the Gold Guitar Awards in Gore this weekend. Lana is super talented and we hope that the weekend is a success for her.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Welcome to School

This week it has been great to welcome Jacob Turipa to Room 2. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.



Lumsden Values BRONZE AWARD Winners

Maira, Seb, Georgia, Ronald, Bonnie, Sylas, Arabella, Dean, and Duncan, with their Bronze Award Certificates, having earned 20 Gotchas so far this year.


ANZ Future Ferns

Mossburn netball club is running a Future Ferns programme. For more information please contact Taylor 027 204 4230.


Mid Dome Cross Country Results

(First 6 place-getters 8 – 11 year qualified for Northern)


Bubbles – Room 2

The covers of the bubble container were as purple as my socks. The bubbles were shiny like a rainbow, several were very shiny. When I blow the air filled with thousands of bubbles. I wish you could see them. Next time you see a bubble pop it.

By Zakylah

My bubble bottle is yellow like the sun and has hexagon edges with a circular top. It can also be as yellow as a giraffe, I can also see shiny edges, and the bottle is cold like ice. When I blew the bubbles they flew high in the sky like bubble clouds. The bubbles were shiny and clear like glass windows. They popped when I touched them and they glistened in the sunlight when they flew up into the bright blue sky. The bubbles would float like a floatie in a pool as they flew high into the sky. My bubbles were small and big and medium sized and they connected to make a cool bubble.

By Kadeigh

My bubble bottle is light green, round, flat, made in China & I named it Bobbydon. When I blew the bubbles it felt gooey, sticky and puffy. Some of the bubbles stuck together which made it a giant one. When I opened it my hand got covered in bubble mix because I accidentally spilt it!

By Sarah

My bubble bottle is blue as ice. It has bumpy edges and it is a hexagon shape, the lid is a circle. It is made in China. The name of my bottle is Bobby. Bobby has see-through bubbles they are different sizes. It is plastic and it is 6 ozs. The highest amount of bubbles I got was 2. They went up to the sky really high. They popped on the ground and they also popped in the sky. They flew elegantly to the sky. Popping bubbles is fun.

By Charlotte

My bubble bottle is pink and bumpy on the outside. The bottle is small and hexagon shaped. It is made in China. When I blew my bubbles it felt funny. My bubbles were big and small. Some were together, then I saw through bubbles. I touched them it felt funny and soapy. When the sun was shining on the bubbles there was small rainbow on it. The bubbles went up and popped!

By Seby

My bubble bottle is blue. The blue colour is the lake blue and it's made in China. It is smooth on the outside. The bottle's name is Buddy. Today I blew bubbles and Buddy lost some bubbles and the most I got was 5 or 6.

By Elsie

My bubble bottle is blue and bumpy like the ocean. Her name is Bobina. Bobina is Chinese. She is made of plastic. Her shape is a tall hexagon. I went outside to blow bubbles from Bobbina and they were light, airy and clear. When I blew them some came out in clusters then they floated gracefully and elegantly. Once they were high enough they popped. Each bubble was small and round.

By Indy


Gumboot Friday

Our students had fun showing their support for Gumboot Friday last week in support of raising awareness about kids' mental health.


Financial Contribution for Term 2 is now due

The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.

We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the second term as soon as possible. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum. Please make payment to Sharon in the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference).

Thanks to those families who have already paid. If you require a receipt for tax purposes please contact the office.


Rugby Fees Reminder

For all those who are from Lumsden School playing rugby this season (Rippa, C grade, B grade), irrespective of your top for the season, please pay fees for your child/ren into the following account:

Lumsden RC


Please state the name of your child/ren as reference.

$30.00 per child.


Any queries to Gabriela Lachova 027 600 4746.


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