Kia ora
It’s hard to believe that there is just one week now until the July holiday break. This is week eleven for the term, starting with distance learning, before our to return to school on site. That is going to make twelve weeks in total. The last time we had a term that long was in 2011 when we hosted the Rugby World Cup and school terms were altered to make it easier for students and their families to attend games.
Our students are doing so well and I am extremely proud of them. There are a few that are beginning to show signs of endoftermitis, but they are also showing resilience and our values which is important. Not long to go and they can all have a well earned break from school that will actually be a break.
The saying goes that it takes a community to raise a child and it’s true of running a school too. On Monday we had our FoLS meeting. This is an important group of people within our school. See the information elsewhere for how you can be involved.
We also had Trish Gill open the bike park one lunch time this week. It was great to see the kids getting out and around the bike track. Thanks Trish. As the weather warms up next term there will be more opportunities to help out with this. Let me know if you’re interested. It normally takes about half an hour.
As Covid lingers on I’d like to remind everyone about the need for vigilance. I know lots of people are playing it safe and keeping kids home if they’re unwell which we really do appreciate.
I look forward to seeing you all cheering on our students at the cross country/fun run, next Wednesday. The clappers for the first race go at 11:30.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal
