Dear School Friends and Families
Well what a week it’s been! On Monday we had gib stoppers, painters, builders and materials being delivered. Tuesday saw us arranging for the buses to do their run at 10am due to the rain and road conditions which then caused us to close Wednesday, and Thursday we were closed for Waitangi Day. As I write this I’m hoping that Friday will be relatively uneventful.
The students have arrived back today with lots of excited stories and I’m glad everyone is safe and sound. Being new to this role one of the things I had on my to do list, was to find out about the process of closing the school if it was required. I thought I had at least until the first snow day to do this so it was some way down the list. After being thrown in the deep end (that was intentional) I can now tick it off. I’d like to thank the school community as a whole and a special thanks to the staff and our Board Chairperson Amanda Russell for the roles they’ve played over the past few days. It would be remiss of me not to also acknowledge the other local principals who all kept in touch and the bus drivers for their flexibility. Thanks everyone.
I am aware that some people were unable to receive our School Stream notification or the message on Facebook about the closure. If these methods are not reliable for you can you please let the school know as soon as you are able to so we can arrange an alternative next time. Also, if you have details that have changed such as address and phone number it would be great if you update those for us too.
As I mentioned we have had a large number of tradespeople in the school this week. The doors and windows have been fitted into the art bays and rooms 2 and 3. The painters have begun to brighten things up and there is light at the end of the tunnel, and down the corridor. Although it won’t be completed fully for another few weeks you are welcome to come and have a look during the Meet and Greet on Thursday 20th February (please note this is a change of date).
The Meet and Greet will be a chance to meet informally with your child's teacher and find out a bit more about what goes on at school. It will also be a chance to meet other parents, our FoLS group and the BOT. I'll introduce these groups after we start at 5:00. There will be some games on the field run by our student leaders for the children. You are welcome to bring a picnic tea or grab a sausage from the BBQ. I’ll see you there.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal

Term 1 Swimming
Children will be swimming on the Wednesday afternoons of 12th, 19th and 26th prior to the coaching programme commencing on Monday 9th March. The coaching programme will run each morning, 9:30am-12pm from that date until March 23rd. Parent help will be required in order to provide a safe adult:child ratio for supervision. Please contact the school if you are able to help with any of these days – Thank you.
School Lawns
Here are the guidelines to follow;
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Wheelbarrow next to shed or in vege garden area available if required
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
8/9 February McFadzien Family
15/16 February McLean Family
Financial Contribution
The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.
We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the first term by the 28th February 2020. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum before this date. Please make payment to Sharon in the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference).
Please feel free to discuss this with Callum or Amanda Russell (BOT Chairperson 022 088 2265) if you have any other questions or concerns about this request.
Whole School Athletics Practice
The Mid Dome Athletics are going to be held at Northern Southland College on Wednesday 4th March. Your child will be training in the age group they will be competing with on the day (Age as at 31st December 2019).
Please contact us if you would be happy to help with coaching athletics. Athletics skill sessions on Fridays 11.20 am – 12.00 pm.