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Newsletter 20 - July 30th 2021

Kia ora koutou

There’s a lot of energy around the school this week as we’ve returned after the break and it’s been great hearing about what everyone got up to over the holiday. We were lucky with the weather, a nice change after the last couple of weeks we had in term two for sure!

There’s lots of exciting things happening this term. Already around the school I’ve seen experiments taking place as we begin our focus on science, with lots of exciting learning happening in the classes. Each class had their photo taken on Thursday to record how long their shadows were. Students made predictions as to whether shadows will stay the same or become shorter/longer. We’ll repeat this in the last week to compare, and see if predictions were correct.

Also on this term is Polyfest and our winter adventure day which we’re already looking forward to. This day takes quite a bit of planning so if you could return the notice sent home earlier in the week by Tuesday next week it would be greatly appreciated.

Next week we have our Learning Hui on Tuesday and Wednesday. But, we begin the week on Monday with the New Zealand Navy Band coming to perform. They are meant to be here around 12:30 setting up, and performing from 1:00. If you’re able to, you are most welcome to come along to enjoy.

Have a great weekend, I hope to see you next week.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Welcome to School

This week it has been great to welcome Tobin Priest to Room 4. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.


Science Experiments

This term schoolwide the children are learning about Planet Earth and Beyond. The children in these photos were learning about cloud formation. They set up their investigation and watched the clouds form at the top of their jars.



Each class went outside to view their shadows and make predictions about what these might look like at the end of term.


Lumsden Values BRONZE AWARD Winners

Sarah, Charlie, Kadeigh, Fraser, Heath, Ashleigh, Maryjane, Elsie, and Syd, with their Bronze Award Certificates, having earned 20 Gotchas so far this year.


Sausage Sizzle

FoLS are running a sausage sizzle at lunchtime next Friday, 6th August.

$2 per sausage

$1 milo/hot chocolate.



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