Kia ora koutou
This week has been maths week. Each day there has been some exciting maths things happening around the school and I know there has been a lot of cool learning taking place. Lachlan said: “maths chase at school is better than the chase that is on T.V”. Flynn said that he enjoyed maths chase too and wanted even harder questions next time. Awesome!
Maths week has been full of challenges for our students with Seneli doing very well in our senior competition and Slade and Emma getting all of the answers correct in the junior competition. Well done! Thank you Miss Falconer for putting this together. Now it’s your turn:
Grandpa has five pockets in his jacket.
In one pocket he has one chocolate.
In another pocket he has two chocolates. In another he has four chocolates.
In yet another he has double that many and in the fifth pocket he has double that many again.
How many chocolates does Grandpa have in his jacket?
Each correct answer (from someone other than our students...or staff) goes into the draw for a wee prize. Send your correct answer to me at by Monday afternoon. And of course it wouldn’t be maths week without a great maths joke...but as I don’t have one this will suffice!
There was once a talking sheepdog. He ran up to the farmer and said “All 70 sheep are in the pen.”
The farmer said, “But I only counted 67!”
The sheepdog said “Yeah, but I rounded them up!”
Have a great weekend everyone
Ka kite ano
Callum Tytler

Welcome to School
This week it has been great to welcome Herina Raimona to Room 4. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.

Friday Lunches
Hi Parents/Caregivers,
FOLS are planning on providing a simple hot lunch/drink option on Fridays during term 3. If your child has a camping type cup (melamine/enamel with handle) to use for hot drinks, please send it along to school.
Also, if you would like to avoid trying to find coins each week you can deposit money into the FOLS account: 03 1355 0752134 000.
Lastly if anyone wants to help out on a Friday, please let the school office or Janice Kington 021 116 6531 know.
School Photos
Our school photos will be taken next Tuesday, 17th August . Geoff Horrell will be here at 8.30 am to set up and take any family photos. All children will get an individual photo taken unless parents notify the school they do not want one.
Maths Week
Preston and Sarah participating in maths week challenges.

Change of Clothes Reminder
Our fields are still wet and slippery please remind all children to bring a spare change of clothes each day.
Lumsden Rugby Gear
Please return tops and shorts on Saturday after your child's game, Gabriela Lachova will be collecting. Lumsden socks do not need to be returned. Your child will need a change of clothes on Saturday.
Cycling Skills
Room 1 out practising their skills and having some races before Cycling Southland’s visit next week.
