Dear School Friends and Families
As outlined in the attached letter to you all from Simon (Board Chair), I will be taking a year out from my role as Lumsden School principal next year. I am very appreciative of the board granting me this Refreshment Leave, which will give me an opportunity to ‘recalibrate’ and re-energise after 30 consecutive years in education, including 20 years as a principal. While I experience a high degree of job satisfaction from working within such a positive and supportive learning environment, I feel the time is right to take a break. My decision to apply for this Leave was made easier knowing that the ‘back fill’ requirements that my absence will create will be well met, given the calibre and qualities of our staff. I will miss being amongst our wonderful children and school community, however I won’t become a stranger and will enjoy keeping a connection to our great wee school.
It’s that time of year again when the Board would like to seek some feedback from parents about the experiences which the school provides for our children, and ideas about what we could improve on and develop. Within the next couple of weeks, a board member will give you a call for a conversation based on the following 3 questions: In 2019 what has Lumsden School done well so far?; In 2020 what could Lumsden School do better?; What, for you, are the most important things for Lumsden School to concentrate on in the next 1-3 years? These questions are also on Survey Monkey, which you could respond to if you wish in preference to responding to the questions via phone. Responses will be treated anonymously, and will be much appreciated as the board considers its future planning. Link:
Looking forward to our Conservation Week Planting Day next week. We have been very grateful for the donations we have received to sponsor plants, including $100 from Southland Forest and Bird, and $100 from the Hejzlar family on top of 4 other kind donations. It would be great to see you next Thursday from 1:30 onwards if you are keen and able to come along and be part of this community event to enhance our school environment.
As per the message this week, our ‘post’ Polyfest performance has been postponed until next Monday (September 16) – All families and friends of the school are welcome to join the Riverstones ECE visitors here at school to watch the children showcase their kapa haka items, particularly as an opportunity for those of you who weren’t able to attend the performance at Polyfest in Invercargill.
We have two Year 6 golf teams locked in for the Primary Schools Golf Tournament. A big thanks to Lois Mitchell (Lumsden Golf Club member) who is coming to school to help the children prepare for this. We also have a dozen or so children interested in playing Touch next term (Tuesdays after school). It would be great to hear from any others who might be keen – It’d be great to have enough players for 3 teams (Junior, Middle, Senior). Please give me a text or a call if interested, and you haven’t already.
Have a good weekend. Ka kite ano,
Andrew Watson
Road Safety
We are conscious of the high importance of children crossing the road safely. When parking at school, please be mindful of not parking on or close to the crossing to enable safe crossing and good visibility. Thank you.
Board of Trustee News
The following BOT Member roles have been allocated:
· Health and Safety Rep – Angela Reid
· Self Review Rep – Trish Gill (Ang Sheat support)
· Property Rep – Jeff Keen
· Chairperson (2020 onwards) – Amanda Russell
· Finance Rep (2020 onwards) – Alicia McLean
· Incumbent Chairperson – Simon Saunders
· Staff Rep – Chloe Madden
Hand, Foot and Mouth
Please keep an eye out for symptoms of Hand, Foot and Mouth which are fever, rash on soles and on palms and in mouth, flu like symptoms. Infected children need to be away from school until all symptoms have cleared.
School Lawns Roster
We have an alphabetical roster set up of all the school families for mowing the school lawns so each family only gets a turn once every couple of years. If the date doesn’t suit please contact the school and we can swap as necessary. Thanks for your support with this.
Here are the guidelines to follow (if you have any queries please contact the school office):
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school behind the sports container (container closest to carpark). Wheelbarrow in shed is available if required
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
14/15 September Gwilliam Family
21/22 September Hamers Family
28/29 September Hansen Family
Winton Football 5 aside Summer League
Team registrations are now being called for the term 4 competitions.
Playing days: Thursdays starting 17 Oct and finishing 5 Dec for juniors but if needed seniors may finish on 12 Dec.
Playing times: seniors 2 x games each night 6.30pm and 7.05pm starts; juniors 2 x games each night 5.30pm and 6.00pm starts.
Costs: seniors (year 9 – adult) $100 per team; juniors Div 1 (yr 6-8), Div 2 (yr 1-5) $10 per player.
Team entries and enquiries can be sent to and an entry form will be sent out along with rules.
Entries close on 26 September.
Design a Jersey Competition – SBS Bank Tour of Southland
The SBS Bank Tour of Southland is just around the corner which is very exciting. In conjunction with the tour, SBS Bank are running a Design a Jersey competition for kids to get creative and WIN!
The jersey will be awarded to the "most combative rider".
The winning design will be printed on the actual jersey, plus the winner will receive a $500 Rebel Sports voucher!
Entry Form: and Conditions:
Entries close 21st September.
The children enjoyed the following Clubs on Tuesday afternoon: Outreach Singing (Mr Watson); Flight (Mr Tytler); Squash (Mrs Stevens); Arts and Crafts (Mrs McMillan); Cooking and Baking (Miss Buchan and Mrs Watson); Coding (Sarah Cooper); Origami (Yvonne Muilwyk); Sewing (Janice Kington); Gardening (Linzi Keen). Thank you to parents who have been able to make the time to help us with this.
The Lumsden Pool Trust need you to indicate whether you are coming to the upcoming Food, Footy and Fun on September 21. If you have not yet purchased tickets, but are intending to attend, please indicate this by phoning either:
Ø NSC office 248 7121
Ø Lumsden Primary office 248 7474
Ø (Or even better, go and buy a ticket!)
As you can appreciate, we need approximate numbers before we can order food/drinks etc, and to make a decision about the viability of the night.
Lumsden Primary School and Bike Park
Native Planting Project
Conservation Week
The children of Lumsden School, in conjunction with Friends of Lumsden School are ready to begin Stage One of our planting and landscape project. This special native planting programme aims to enhance the aesthetics and biodiversity of our school in addition to bringing our whole community together to share in a special planting afternoon on Thursday September 19th from 1.30 pm – 3.00 pm.
As such, we are inviting families, local businesses and anyone with an interest in seeing our little town flourish, to contribute a small donation toward our plants from Home Creek Nursery in Manapouri and to come along and help in the planting of these special plants.
Please fill in the donation form below to indicate your support. All supporters of the project will be acknowledged on a special board which will be permanently displayed on a wall in the school grounds.
Simply drop into Lumsden School with the form below or give the school a call on 03 2487 474 with details your pledge. Let us know if you will be joining us on the day.
Your funds will go directly into the Lumsden Primary School bank account (03 0960 0112624 00) with ‘Plants’ and your last name as a reference)
I __________________________ or the________________________family/ business would like to pledge...
$5 (one plant and plant protector)
$10 (two plants and plants protectors)
$15 (three plants and plant protectors)
Or $20 (four plants and plant protectors)
Please bring along any tree planting equipment you can use and wear suitable clothing for this fun community event.
Thank you for your support
Friends of Lumsden School (FoLS)
Lumsden School Board of Trustees
C/- Lumsden School
19 Maria Street
12 September 2019
Kia ora school families and friends,
The Lumsden School Board of Trustees wishes to advise our school family and friends that Andrew Watson is taking Refreshment Leave for the 2020 school year. Refreshment Leave is a conditional entitlement of the Primary Principal’s Collective Agreement.
After a considered process the Board has appointed Callum Tytler as the acting principal in Andrew’s absence.
Andrew has been teaching for over 30 years and has held a principal position at a school for 20 years. We recognise and value his contribution to not only Lumsden School, but other schools, the wider community and the education sector. We express our gratitude for all that Andrew has contributed to Lumsden School particularly. The Board would like to take this opportunity to wish Andrew all the very best for 2020, and that we will look forward to seeing him back in 2021.
If you have any questions or queries concerning this matter please feel free to contact Simon Saunders, Chairperson on 021 388 544 or .
Ngā mihi nui,
Simon Saunders
BoT Chairperson
On behalf of the Lumsden Board of Trustees