Kia ora koutou
Although we’re not far off the end of the year it’s been another week that’s been flat out. The highlight has probably been Lumsden’s Got Talent. The finals were yesterday, but most students have been involved somehow in this as well as practicing during the week. There is quite a bit if talent around for sure!
We finish at 12:00 on Wednesday. There will be no bus run at that time so any children arriving by bus in the morning will need other arrangements made for their pick up from school at 12:00. There will be no supervision in the afternoon.
Next week, along with farewelling our Year 6 students, we also farewell Oleta Crawford, Sage Campbell and Kate Wilson. They have had an important role here at school this year and we’re grateful for the effort they have made. Good luck and best wishes to all of you for next year.
Next week is my last week also. I’m excited for what lays ahead, but sad to be leaving such a wonderful school and community. I have thoroughly enjoyed being here and I’ve learnt a lot. The thing that makes Lumsden School so special is the people. Prior to coming to Lumsden, I’d not seen another school that has so much support and community involvement as this one. It really is quite incredible and greatly appreciated.
I want to say a huge thank you to the staff and students, all of whom I will miss a great deal. We are lucky enough to have exceptional students who are kind and caring, and most of them think my jokes are funny. The staff here are, without exception brilliant. As I’ve transitioned from teacher to principal they have been understanding and supportive as I’ve learnt the ropes. We had hoped that 2021 was going to go bit smoother than last year but that hasn’t been the case. The staff have worked hard to minimise disruptions to learning which at times has been far from easy. They constantly go above and beyond what is expected of them. They are a good bunch, our students are lucky to have them and it has been a privilege to have worked alongside them.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and summer holiday.
Ka kite ano
Callum Tytler

Update from the Board:
The school Board had its final meeting for the year on Tuesday night. It has been another busy year for the Board and we want to thank Callum Tytler for all his amazing work and support. He (and his humor) will be missed at Board meetings next year!
During the meeting, the Board looked at the results of the Annual Parent Survey, a full summary of which is attached to this newsletter. Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey, which informs our schools direction. A large priority is maintaining the schools focus on academic achievement and with this in mind, the Board have approved funds to support the implementation of Structured Literacy next year. At the meeting, we also welcomed Danella Smallridge as our new Principal and we look forward to her leading in this new approach.
The Board also looks forward to a less disrupted year next, with more opportunities for events and learning outside the classroom. To enliven the schools outside learning areas, a small sub-committee has been formed to complete an upgrade of the schools sandpits. We would love some parents and members of FoLS to assist with this project, so if you have an interest in this, please speak to Amanda Russell, Noortje Hamers or Mrs Judi McMillan.
Next year, Board elections will be held in September and we will be keen to welcome some new faces to the Board. We are also looking for a new Minutes secretary, and expressions of interest in this paid position to start in Term 1 2022, can be made to Amanda Russell at
Meri Kirihimete and see you all again in the new year, Amanda Russell, Callum Tytler, Sarah Falconer, Trish Gill, Jeff Keen, Angela Reid and Noortje Hamers.
Library Books
Please return all library books to school on Monday.
Lumsden Values SILVER AWARD Winners
Zakylah, Charlotte T, Elsie, and Luke with their Silver Award Certificates, having earned 40 Gotchas this year.
Silver Award Lunch Outings this week
School Lawns
We have an alphabetical roster of all school families for mowing the area at front of school and by the staff carpark. Each family gets a turn once every 2-3 years. Here are the guidelines to follow:
¨ Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
¨ Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
¨ Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
¨ Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
· 18/19 December Kelsall Family
· December/January Maurice King & Rosie Hore
Thank you for your support with keeping our school looking great, it is much appreciated.
Grocery Hamper Raffle
The winners of our raffle (drawn under police supervision) were:
1. Fran Ferrari
2. Debbie Drummond
3. Marly McLean
Thanks to all those who supported our raffle.
Launchpad Donations
Donations towards the cost of books for the children who attend Launchpad would be much appreciated. The approximate cost for each child is $7.50. Please send any donations along to school in a named envelope. We can then forward these on to the LBK Presbyterian Church who provide the books.
Lumsdens Got Talent
Congratulations to our talented finalists who put on an entertaining performance yesterday. Final placings were:
1st Seneli Wathukarage and Luigi Santelli
2nd Riley McBride
3rd= Amelia Leach, Ellie Grant and Jahmelia Collins
