Kia ora, Kamusta, Hallo, Nǐ hǎo, Namaste, Hello and Bula
We had Harold and Teresa from the Life Education Trust here again this week. All students have been learning about emotions and ways to cope when we feel anxious or stressed.

The students have enjoyed lots of physical experiences this week including swimming, netball coaching and biking.
This week we've had our first confirmed covid cases in our school. Thanks to everyone for staying calm and following health advice.
Ngā mihi

New Teacher

We are excited to announce that Ang Sheat will be joining our team next term when Lana Stevens goes on maternity leave. Ang brings a wealth of experience to the role and we feel very lucky to have her on the team.
Peer Mediators

This week our senior students were excited to be out in the playground helping others to resolve disagreements.
Peer Mediators have been trained to lead a discussion so that students can listen to both sides of a problem and work together on how to solve it.
Our Heart Kid

Thanks to everyone who has made a donation to Heart Kids NZ this week. Our student Luke and his family feel very inspired and heartened by your support. It's not too late to make a donation. Text LUMSDEN to 2427 to donate $3 automatically.
Structured Literacy
Ruth Blair from Ideal Learning Matters spent the day at Lumsden school on Thursday this week working with students and staff to build our capacity with Structured Literacy.
Save Our Habitat
The digger churned up the mud in the emu’s face. ”Yuck!” Shouted the emu , not being a fan of getting his fancy feathers icky.
“Ha, ha, ha!” Giggled the kookaburras above the noise of the machinery slowly coming through the trees. “A brand new path!” Hollered the short stubby construction manager. “And for free!” “Big deal” muttered the koala who was hanging onto one of the diggers as a makeshift tree.
“Just look at poor ostrich, she’s been running around in a panic ever since they filled in the water hole and that was four days ago!” whispered kangaroo.
”Get those little rats out of here!” yelled the land owner at the manager.
“Right away madam!”
Koala snuck away from the others, slowly but steadily reaching for the keys and . . .rattle went the keys as they slid out of the key hole . Kangaroo noticed the koala and found out her plan . Kangaroo put the keys in her pouch. Suddenly a mob of rattlesnakes appeared out of nowhere! “Arrgggh!” Yelled the land owner well over the noise of the machines and the animals. Then in came some Dingoes getting ready to chase away the humans. After screaming, yelling and running everything went quiet then up came a loud thunderous cheer. They had done it! The animals chased away the humans.
By Sarah Leach Room 1

If You NeedHelp...
Northern Southland Community Resource Centre Charitable Trust is here in our Community to help you with any support, advice or needs that you may be struggling
with at this time. We have a local Food Bank that can provide food parcels - call or text the number provided. If you need any clothing or furniture we have a storage unit filled with donated items available. Frozen meals are also available for those that are struggling. If you are seeking counselling or need someone to talk to we can refer you on to a professional, Or you can call or text 1737 at anytime.