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Newsletter 10 - April 16th 2021

Kia ora koutou

Well this brings us to the end of term one. Despite moving into level 2 a couple of times we’ve been fortunate enough not to have the same drama and interruptions we had to contend with last year. Thank goodness! As I reflect on the past 11 weeks, and what we’ve managed to achieve, I’m so incredibly proud of all of our learners. It’s been a busy term for sure.

Learning for Life, as you know, is a vital part of our school. Monday was an opportunity for our staff to be learners for a day. We had an outside expert working with us supporting all of our staff in their Professional Learning journey, upskilling in various aspects of ICT integration including work around the Digital Technologies Curriculum which was implemented for the first time just last year. It was a valuable day for us and we appreciate the community support.

Education in New Zealand is in a state of change. In fact the past few years have seen more changes than there have been for a number of years and it quite an exciting time to be a part of it. Last year the DT curriculum was introduced, next year it is the New Zealand Histories Curriculum and we would like you to be a part of this. Early next term there will be the opportunity for you to be part of the design which initially will take place via a Google Form. We’re aware there are many experts around the place that have an in-depth knowledge of what has happened in our region, where and when. The curriculum has intentionally been designed for schools to be able to make it their own, and include content specific to their area. We are looking forward to your input.

Next term we will also begin discussing our school charter and the way we go about reporting to whānau about student achievement and progress. Watch this space.

Last night I attended our FOLS AGM, there was a good turnout. We’re extremely lucky to have such a passionate group of parents supporting our school and we really do appreciate the effort they make in supporting our school. The next FOLS meeting will be Thursday 13 May which is the second week back next term. We’d love for more people to come along, if you’d like to find out more please ask.

Have a wonderful break. Hopefully the weather will be better than it is today. See you next term.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Thank you and Best Wishes Mariette

On Wednesday we farewelled Mariette and wished her well for her upcoming move.


Buddy Reading

Most Tuesday mornings for the last few years, Lumsden School children have benefitted from the time and dedication of community members who come into school to sit down and read with them. It would be great to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining this buddy reading team. Please contact the school office on 03 248 7474 for any further information. Thank you.


Financial Contribution

Thanks to all those families who have paid their donation to the school your support is much appreciated. Please let the school office know if you need a receipt for claiming a tax credit.


Duffy Books Role Model Assembly

On Tuesday we had Sharon Holt speak to us about her lifelong passion for writing, and her journey as an author. Following her talk Sharon presented each class with their Duffy books.


School Lawns

Here are the guidelines to follow;

· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket

· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill

· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow

· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.

The roster for the next few weeks is:

  • 17/18 April Crawford Family

  • End of May Drummond Family

  • End of May Williams Family


Southland Swimming Champs 2021

Amelia: I came 2nd in freestyle and 6th in backstroke.

Angus: I came 12th in Freestyle, in breaststroke I came 8th and in backstroke 16th out of 152. It was noisy but I saw a lot of friends that I hadn’t seen for ages.


Duffy Book Excitement

Some really excited Room 5 students showing off their Duffy Books on Tuesday.


Northern Southland Community Pool Trust

The Northern Southland Community Pool Trust would like your opinion on how the pool is going. Please fill out the following form



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