Kia ora, Kamusta, Hallo, Nǐ hǎo, Namaste, Ahoj, Hello and Bula
Thank you to staff, students and the community for a your support this term. We have faced many challenges related to operating during a pandemic. I am feeling very proud of the way we have stayed calm, carried on and made sure that students had a rich variety of experiences in spite of it all.
I love working at Lumsden School. The staff work together as a team and we have all been learning lots from each other. I must say a special thank you to Deputy Principal, Lana Stevens, for her contribution. We will miss her next term when she is on maternity leave. We wish her all the best for the safe arrival of her baby.
I want to wish everyone a safe and relaxing break from school routines. I am looking forward to another fantastic term ahead and hope to see everyone back at school on Monday 2 May.
Have a great break!

Books Thank You
We have purchased new exercise books for structured literacy for all students. We know that it is a difficult time financially for many families but if you would like to pay for the books please deposit $2 per child into the school account 03 0960 0112624 00 and use the reference BOOK. If anybody wants to donate an extra $2 to support families who are unable to contribute at this time, this would be appreciated.
Sandpit Upgrade

We have a team of people working together to upgrade our school sandpit. We have had new sand delivered.We have plans to purchase new equipment next term. We are wanting to collect old pipe and plumbing off-cuts which could be used in the sandpit. Do you have any lying around at home? Or do you know of somebody who might? We also wondered if people had any old kitchen tools and equipment which could be used in our mud kitchen?
Science Term 2

We hope to make marble runs as part of our forces and motion science unit. Please save food wrap rolls, paper towel rolls and small boxes (toothpaste boxes would be ideal) for marble run construction.
Financial Contribution for Term 1 is now due
The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.
We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the first term as soon as possible. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum. Please make payment to the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference).
Thanks to those families who have already paid. If you require a receipt for tax purposes please contact the office.
Danny Douglas - ANZAC Guest Speaker

Danny Douglas, Scarlett's Dad, came to school on Wednesday morning to talk to students about his time as a soldier in the New Zealand Army. His wife Shannon helped him tell his stories. Danny spent 10 years in the New Zealand army serving as a mechanic. He served in the Solomon Islands and in Afghanistan. The students were fascinated to look at the differences between the uniforms needed in the jungle compared to a desert environment.
Danny showed us photos of some of the vehicles used and we got to look at his medals and a gas mask. Danny was involved in patrolling and fixing vehicles. We learned that for every soldier carrying a rifle, there were a number of soldiers carrying out a variety of supporting roles including mechanical engineering, catering and work associated with supporting the front line troops.
ANZAC Tribute
Students from all classes have made poppies to decorate an ANZAC tribute for our Lumsden ANZAC service on 25 April.
Working Bee - Thank You
The soft fall in our playground had needed upgraded.On Sunday 10 April we had a number of dedicated volunteers who carried out the work. Firstly the old bark chips were removed and reused around the bike park gardens. This was a great way to recycle the old chips and it has given the whole area a facelift. After that the gravel was spread using a variety of heavy machinery.
A huge thanks to Jeff Keen and Noortje Hamers from the School Board for their work in organizing this project to improve the safety of our playground. Thanks to the dedicated team who worked long hours to make it happen: Jeff and Linzi Keen, Noortje Hamers, Craig Drummond, Mike Gill and Dean Bishop. We would also like to thank Campbell Sheat for the loan of his loader and Northern Southland Transport for the loan of their telehandler. We would also like to thank Steve from SouthRoads for offering to sweep up the excess gravel on our courts. Our volunteers also carted dirt from the long jump pit and used it to fill in a hole where the old water tank was removed from recently.
Cheese Rolls

FoLs have planned a cheese roll fundraiser to raise money to finish the upgrade of our school library shelving. Order forms have been sent out today and we will be making the cheese rolls on the 17, 18, 19 May at the NSC kitchen from 5.30pm - 9.30pm. We may not need all 3 nights but please put these dates in your calendar and come and help make cheese rolls to support and school and tamariki.

Rugby 2022
The first game for all grades will be on Saturday 14th May at Mossburn (time to be confirmed). First practice for the season is on Wednesday 4th May after school at Lumsden.
Coaches for the season are:
·Rippa – Joel Priest
·1st year tackle – Andrew Crawford and Mike Gill
·2nd year tackle – Blair Thwaites
·B Grade – Damian Drummond
Any enquiries to Gabriela at:
Room 1 ANZAC Art

School Cell Phone
Absences can now be sent to our school cell phone 027 399 6143.
