Kia ora
What another fantastic week we’ve had, walking around the school I’ve been really impressed with all of the students I’ve seen trying their best. It’s certainly been a week too, with a mix of seasons. Winter that felt like spring followed by the first day of Spring that was definitely winter! Quite a bit of excitement around the school on Tuesday with the snow that came. Sadly for many though it wasn’t quite enough to have a snow day, maybe next time. I tried to think of a suitable weather joke to go here but I found that it wasn’t a breeze.
Lucky for us though we’ve got some warm, wonderful, cozy, comfortable learning spaces. Our new renovations continue to make our school a lovely place to be on a cold morning and the new furniture is a popular spot to be, especially as it makes it easy to maintain social distancing. As we’ve come to the end of one project another is just around the corner. There is some more work in the pipeline to modernise the photocopier room and our staff workroom (the small room next to the staffroom), to make these spaces a bit more user friendly. I’ll share more details as they come to hand.
One of the challenges we’ve had lately is an increasing number of children arriving late. It is important for children to be here before school starts so they can get organised for the day and perhaps have some time engaging with their friends. School starts at 9:00 but it would be great if everyone can be here a few minutes earlier than this. This puts them in a good position too to start the day with everyone else and not have to try and catch up or have them interrupting the class that’s already in session. We really do appreciate your support on this.
There are only three more weeks in this term. Practice for our production is going well and it’s not long now until you’ll be able to enjoy what the staff and students have been working hard on. Also being worked hard on is writing, I’ve seen lots this week and it has been fantastic! See for yourself elsewhere in the newsletter. One of the best things about this position is having kids come and share their learning with me. This is even more special when I know how hard they’ve tried to improve on what they can already do. Striving for excellence and always doing your best is important, but happily is alive and well here.
Have a brilliant weekend everyone.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal

Stewart Island Camp Grocery Hamper Raffle Fundraiser
Raffle cards have been sent home with each Year 5 and 6 child this week. All cards need to be returned to school by Friday 25th September please (including those that are unsold). All profit raised from the selling of raffle cards will come off the total camp costs for each individual child accordingly.
Could the parents/caregivers of the Year 5 and 6 children please send 2 grocery items along to school this term? (please check the expiry date). Thank you.

Great Descriptive Writing – Fish and Chips
When I open my warm hot chips cover I could smell tasty beautiful hot chips. The fish melts in my mouth like ice cream. When I eat the chips I look up and say “THESE ARE THE BEST!!” I can hear so much crunch in my mouth. I stuff the chips in my small mouth. I dip my fish and chips into the tasty red tomato sauce. Fish and chips makes me smile. The chips are very smooth and thick. I love fish and chips.
By Seneli Wathukarage
School Lawns
We have a roster of all school families to mow the lawn area around the school buildings (you will only get a turn once every 2 or 3 years). If you are unable to mow the lawns on your weekend please contact the school and we will try to swap dates.
Here are the guidelines to follow;
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Wheelbarrow next to shed or in vege garden area available if required
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
12/13 September Saunders Family
19/20 September Scott Family
26/27 September Selbie Family
3/4 October Sheat Family
10/11 October Reed Family
Thanks for your support.
Magnificent Minecraft Model
At home this week Kitione has put his handyman skills to good use. Using a saw and an electric drill he has created one of his favourite Minecraft characters.
