Kia ora
If you go down to the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise! There aren’t any teddy bears or a picnic but there is one very fat crocodile that lives in the trees by the bike track and eats bikes! Crikey! Last weekend a small group of brave crocodile wranglers descended upon the school field to wrestle the mighty beast into place. There was blood and sweet, but no tears as the beast was subdued and positioned to guard the northern section of the bike track. A huge thanks to everyone involved. I know this extends further into our community than the group that came down last weekend as there’s a bit of history behind it.
We are planning a Teacher Only Day early next term on Friday 23 October. This is the Friday right before Labour day the following Monday. We did this last year and it seemed to work well for everyone. We’ll send out a reminder about this in the first week next term. There is the possibility of another Teacher Only Day before the end of the year but if this eventuates there will be plenty of notice given.
Coming up over the next couple of weeks we have our school disco and the production but COVID could scupper those plans. Hopefully next Wednesday we hear that we are to go to Level 1 in which case we’ll proceed as planned. If we remain at level two the disco will be postponed until term 4 and the production will be videoed so we can share it with everyone who wants to see it. As soon as we know one way or the other we’ll get the information out to everyone.
As part of our preparation we are taking the whole school down to the hall on Monday for a run through. We’ll leave just after nine and be back about morning tea time.
There has been a lot of lost property around the school recently. Most Fridays this is displayed for all students to have a look at and see if any of it belongs to them. It would be wonderful if parents could make certain all clothing is named. Even initials on the label would be great and make our job a lot easier. Any unclaimed items that remain here at the end of term will be washed and donated to a local charity.
Please keep an eye out for the Annual Parent Online Survey which will be coming out before the end of term from our Board Of Trustees. This is an opportunity to provide feedback to the BOT on the performance of the school and the direction we’re taking. Your response to this would be appreciated. The survey will be followed up by a phone call in week one next term by one of our BOT members.
On 14 September 1972, 30 thousand signatures were presented to Parliament, asking for Te Reo Māori to be taught in schools. In recognition of this significant milestone, on Monday 14 September at 12pm, the country will be celebrating with the goal of having 1 million people speaking, singing and celebrating te reo Māori at the same time! Listen carefully, you might hear us!
I hope each of you has an enjoyable weekend.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal

Stewart Island Camp Grocery Hamper Raffle Fundraiser
Could the parents/caregivers of the Year 5 and 6 children please send 2 grocery items along to school before the end of term? (please check the expiry date). Thanks.
FoLS Update
FoLS has a Facebook Group to keep the school community informed of upcoming events and general FoLS going on's. This is a private group just for immediate school families. Please search for us on Facebook and join the group if you haven't already. We would love it if all school families were a part of this group. Facebook: Friends of Lumsden School - FOLS.
FoLS is investigating the opportunity of doing a days tailing as a fundraiser - to help raise funds for the new furniture in the schools newly renovated learning spaces. If you or you know of anyone who would be able to provide a mob or a couple of paddocks of sheep for a day's tailing (preferably in the weekend) can you please contact Beks Ware – 027 462 0508. Thanks.
School Lawns
We have a roster of all school families to mow the lawn area around the school buildings (you will only get a turn once every 2 or 3 years). If you are unable to mow the lawns on your weekend please contact the school and we will try to swap dates.
Here are the guidelines to follow;
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
12/13 September Saunders Family
19/20 September Scott Family
26/27 September Selbie Family
3/4 October Sheat Family
10/11 October Reed Family
Thanks for your support.
School Photos
Our school photos will be taken on Tuesday 22nd September. Geoff Horrell will be here at 8.30 am to set up and take any family photos. All children will get an individual photo taken unless parents notify the school they do not want one. Please let us know by Friday 18th September if this is the case.
In a spring sunny morning room 2 was writing about bubbles. First we each got a bubble container. We each got different coloured containers. There was green orange and pink. We wrote half about bubbles and then finally we went outside to blow them. We put on our shoes. There was lots of bubbles my classmates blew. They were shining like the sun. The bubbles shimmered. It looked like circle rainbow bubbles flying in the air. They got pushed away with the strong wind. I grabbed a bubble with the bubble blower and yes i ate it. It was slimy and soapy. It tasted very gross of course. I could hear it pop like popcorn. The bubbles felt so wet. They flew away into the sky like small bubble birds but they popped like popcorn. I love bubbles a lot. By Seneli
One sunny morning we blew some bubbles. When we blew them they all popped and everyone laughed. We had lots of fun writing about the bubbles and blowing the bubbles. But all the bubbles popped and popped and popped just like popcorn but didn't taste like popcorn. It tasted like soap YUCK!!!!!!. By Flynn
One sunny morning, room two went outside. But what for? Well, they were blowing some BUBBLES! When I blew some bubbles, they were small like a stone or bark chips, soggy like water with soap, inside of them they had a rainbow. When they pop on the ground, they look like little puddles. My bubble stick is blue and has a star at the end.
By Cedric
On a sunny morning I blew bubbles. Bubbles are see-through and neon purple. I accidentally ate a bubble. It tasted like soap. I heard myself blowing the bubbles.
By Heath

Invitation to School Pupils and Parents
An invitation is extended to school pupils and parents to attend a public meeting and following karakia.
To be held outside St Michaels Catholic Church Urban Forest on Forest Street, on Sunday 4th October at 2.00 pm.
Five speakers will briefly explain the significance of the urban forest which is an ecological restoration site. The adjacent waterway which is home to rare native fish (galaxidae gollum) could potentially support Koura (freshwater crays) and Kakahi (freshwater mussels) as the riparian (waterway margin) is replanted with natives through the village and out to the Oreti river.
The small forest is growing Totara, native beech, kahikatea and other species that originally grew in Lumsden in pre-colonial times.
This site is amazing now as it supports native pigeons, bellbirds, and waxeyes, but in 30 – 50 years time this small forest will be extraordinary, an anchor for regeneration that rejuvenates our whole community.
You are all welcome.
A karakia/liturgy, a public thanksgiving will follow.Contact Mary Ryan for further information on 03 201 6441 or
