Kia ora koutou
What a busy beginning to the term we’ve had! I wonder if there’s ever been a term start that’s not? There’s been lots of great learning in all of the classes and a hive of activity right around the school as we start into our new topic ‘Play Time’.
Touch rugby begins next week. As the teams are being made up on the day school t-shirts are not required, the $8 game fee can be paid to the school office. Almost half our school is involved in this which is just fantastic! Go Lumsden School! Also next week is a meeting for the parents attending camp and we have our school disco, both on Thursday night. But don’t worry, next Friday there will be the chance to take a breath. Friday is our last Teacher Only Day for the year so no school for students next Friday which of course leads into Labour weekend.
Last term our Board of Trustees advertised for a new principal as the position had become vacant with Andrew Watson’s resignation. There will be an opportunity in a couple of weeks to farewell Andrew, details of that are still being finalised. I have been successful in my application and our BOT has appointed me to the position from next year. I will remain in the Acting Principal role until then. Obviously I’m happy with the outcome and I’m very much looking forward to being able to continue in the role. This year has given me the opportunity to learn a lot about the position and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Learning for Life is an important part of our school culture, but not just for our students!
Our school is a fantastic place to be. We have wonderful students and staff who are exceptional! We also have much support from the community. In fact this school has more support and involvement from the community than any other school I’ve been at. To have been appointed to the principal position here is truly humbling.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal

Welcome to School
This week we have welcomed Liam Hamilton, Brooklyn Orchard and Harley Chalmers to school. Liam is in Room 3, and Brooklyn and Harley are in Room 4.

Friends of Lumsden School Meeting
Our next FoLS meeting is on Wednesday 21st October, 7:30pm in the Staffroom. All welcome.
School Vests
This week we have issued school vests to those children who did not have one. As part of keeping our children safe we would appreciate if you could please remind your children to wear their vests to and from school each day.
School Photo Orders
Order forms have been sent home this week. Please return orders by Thursday 29th October (if you have any orders after that date you will need to contact Geoff Horrell directly). Thank you.
Touch Rugby
This starts next Tuesday at Northern Southland College from 4.00 – 5.00 pm. The cost per player is $8, this needs to be paid to the school office please if you have not already done so. Great to see so many keen players if any parents are able to help out on Tuesday nights please contact Trish Gill ph 021 0243 2741.

Camp Grocery Hamper Raffle Fundraiser
Thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser. We drew the raffle this morning under police supervision and the lucky winners are:
· Leach Family
· Kirsty Quertier
· Chantelle Botting

‘Drop, Cover and Hold’ - National Shake Out Day
Room 1 practising their earthquake drill yesterday.
Pink Shirt and Wheels Day Fun