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Newsletter 31 - November 6th 2020

Kia ora koutou

Pet Day was an amazing day and we had a great turn out of people and pets! In the morning there were different craft activities being completed as well as a small group being innovative with farming inventions to lead us into the future. Some great ideas! The T-shirt creations and collections were great to view and the decorated biscuits looked delicious.

Thanks everyone for the effort you made in making this day happen, it’s a team effort for sure. Thank you to FOLS for arranging the BBQ and food sales, to all of the parents who came on the day to transport pets and to those who helped out during the Agri-Kids rotations. It really isn’t possible without you. I’d like to also thank Lana Stevens and Judi McMillan who did the organisation at school for this and had the day running smoothly. I was really proud of our students too and the great attitude they had. What a cool day!

Next Saturday, 14 November there is a working bee. There was one earlier in the year to do some general grounds maintenance which made a huge difference and we’re grateful to those who helped out. If you’re available this time around or want more information please contact Jeff Keen 021 678 643. Tama Reedy has already been doing some work tidying up the grounds and got the ball rolling which is great, thanks Tama.

Next week is our Year 5 and 6 camp to Stewart Island. Our senior students leave Tuesday morning and will return Friday afternoon. We wish them all the best on their travels and look forward to hearing about their great adventure when they return. Hopefully the weather will be perfect and everything will be smooth sailing.

We are currently in the process of confirming our staffing for 2021. Georgina Dobson will be leaving us at the end of the year for a position at James Hargest Junior and Toni Evans will be taking a year's maternity leave. We will begin 2021 with four classes as we did this year. Once we have confirmed staff, as there are currently positions vacant, we will begin looking at class composition and placements for next year. There will be more information about that in the next week or two.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler

Acting Principal


Lumsden Values SILVER AWARD Winners

Duncan and Sophie with their Silver Award Certificates, having earned 40 Gotchas so far this year.


Lumsden Values BRONZE AWARD Winners

Jase, Maira, and Dean with their Bronze Award Certificates, having earned 20 Gotchas so far this year.


From FoLS

A massive thank you to everyone who helped at the Pet Day BBQ and Bake Sale – what a Team! We raised over $400 (plus some for Year 5 & 6 camp) so thanks. A special thanks to our amazing marketing manager Luigi – you are awesome.

To continue fundraising we have some patties and sausages for sale:

· $10/patties (approx. 20)

· $25/sausages (approx. 50).

Call Janice Kington 021 116 6531 if you would like any.


Thank You

A big thanks to Elsie for giving up her lunchtime to help trim the hedge out front, and also to Sam, Brock, Chahat and Tori for helping tidy up afterwards.


Launchpad Information


Pet Day 2020


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