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Newsletter 32 - December 3rd 2021

Kia ora koutou

It seems hard to believe that in just a week and a half the school year is over. How did that happen? It’s been a flat out week with another one coming up next week which will see us finishing off the swimming we started a couple of weeks ago.

The swimming was originally booked in for the first two weeks of term but the delays with the pool roof meant we had to find alternative times. The team at REAP were very accommodating and shifted a few things around so they could fit us in.

Also of huge support has been Route 6 Cafe. Over the past few weeks, it has been my privilege to take our Silver Award recipients out to lunch at Route 6. We’re very grateful for the support given to us by them and I have several experts that will verify that the items on the kids menu are delicious.

Taking kids to lunch is certainly a highlight of the principal’s position. Less enjoyable is reading the updates in regards to Covid and the rules surrounding what we can and can’t do. There has been another update out which might again impact how we run our Year 6 prizegiving. I will seek further clarification and have a definitive update on our prizegiving for you on Monday. I appreciate your patience and cooperation in regard to this.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Board Secretary / Minute taker

The school Board would like to say a big thank you to Yvonne Muilwyk who has been our dedicated Minute taker for the past three years. Yvonne has done a great job accurately recording the discussions and decisions at our Board meetings.

If anyone would like to put in an expression of interest in the paid position of Board Minute taker for 2022, please contact Amanda Russell on The position requires taking Minutes at our eight Board meetings a year, which fall on the third and eight week of term starting at 6pm on the Tuesday night and usually going for around three hours.

Amanda Russell

BOT Presiding Member


Working Bee

Please come along and support the working bee on this Sunday 5th December, 1pm. General tidy up of grounds. Contact Jeff Keen 021678643.


School Swimming Reminder

All classes will be swimming each day next week, please remind children to bring their swimming togs, etc.


Launchpad Donations

Donations towards the cost of books for the children who attend Launchpad would be much appreciated. The approximate cost for each child is $7.50. Please send any donations along to school in a named envelope. We can then forward these on to the LBK Presbyterian Church who provide the books.


Silver Award Lunch Outing

Chahat and Lara enjoying their Silver Award lunch this week.


School Lawns

We have an alphabetical roster of all school families for mowing the area at front of school and by the staff carpark. Each family gets a turn once every 2-3 years. Here are the guidelines to follow:

¨ Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket

¨ Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill

¨ Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow

¨ Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.

The roster for the next few weeks is:

· 4/5 December Jones Family

· 11/12 December Kelsall Family

Thank you for your support with keeping our school looking great, it is much appreciated.


Touch Rugby Fees Reminder

The school has been invoiced by Touch Southland for anyone who has attended Touch Rugby this term. Fees of $12 per player were due on Wednesday, 24th November.

Please make payment in to the school bank account: 03 0960 0112624 00.

Thanks to those families who have already made payment.



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