Kia ora koutou
What an exciting week! I’m sure you’ve all heard by now about our special visitors on Monday. The RNZAF dropped by in an NH90 Helicopter. We were all out there watching it circle the school before it’s approach and landing. The crew had been training in the Catlins last week and were on their way home. They were more than happy to answer any questions and let everyone have a look through it. What an experience! We’ll see if we can get them here again one day.
John Parsons came on Tuesday to spend the day with us. He spent the school day working in all of the classes before hosting a staff meeting after school and a parent information evening after that. The turnout was poor which was disappointing as his messages regarding keeping our children safe online are essential for everyone to hear.
Some key points were:
No age inappropriate games. R13 means just that, no exceptions
Social media has age limits, you must be 13 or older for most of them
Technology is to be in the family area, NEVER in the bedroom
When children do have access to social media, wrap them in family. Have aunts/uncles follow them, have family in profile pictures
0-6 year olds don’t need to be using technology
His talk was both informative and at times scary. We’ve managed to secure him again next year. I really hope to see you there, this is too important for our children.
This is an extremely busy time of year for all of us. Reports are out today for most of our students followed by interviews next week. Also thrown in is a cricket tournament on Wednesday. We’ll confirm the time on Monday during our final coaching sessions. At this tournament there will be other local schools, I think it’s going to be lots of fun.
IMPORTANT: Next Friday we are having a farewell for Andrew Watson. This will be a special assembly at 1:30. We would love to have you there to celebrate with us and Andrew, this might be a last chance so if you're able to come along then please do.
Ka kite ano
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal
Lumsden Values SILVER AWARD Winner
Andrei with his Silver Award Certificate, having earned 40 Gotchas so far this year.
Lumsden Values BRONZE AWARD Winners
Jaedyn, Jessie, Slade, Catalina, and Luigi, with their Bronze Award Certificates, having earned 20 Gotchas so far this year.
Silver Award Lunch Outing
Nixon, Abel, and Jacob enjoyed their lunch with Mr Tytler yesterday.
Launchpad Donations
Donations towards the cost of books for the children who attend Launchpad would be much appreciated. The approximate cost for each child is $7.50. Please send any donations along to school in a named envelope. We can then forward these on to the LBK Presbyterian Church who provide the books. Thanks to those who have already paid.
School Lawns
Here are the guidelines to follow;
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container.
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next couple of weeks is:
28/29 November Ussher Family
5/6 December Walling Family
Financial Donations for Term 4 now due
The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.
We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the fourth term now. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum. Please make payment to Sharon in the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference). Your support is much appreciated. Thanks to those families who have already paid.
Religious Instruction Consultation
A couple of weeks ago a letter came home asking about the provision of Religious Instruction (Launchpad) at Lumsden Primary School. The Board of Trustees (BOT) is committed to undertaking consultation around Religious Instruction every six years and we really require a response from all families at the school. If you haven't already, could you please complete the simple yes / no question and return to the office by Tuesday the 1st of December. Thanks for your input into this important matter.
Amanda Russell, BOT Chair
Air Force Drop In
FLTLT Tom McDowell takes a selfie with Jed, who was the inspiration behind our RNZAF visit on Monday.
Learning Hui Times
Reports have been sent home today for Rooms 1, 2 and 3 children. Anyone who has requested an interview should also receive a slip with their interview time as well.
Community Gardeners
Wendy with our wonderful bunch of learners returning from a trip to the Community Garden.
Awesome Air Force Writing – Room 3
Today the whole school saw a big helicopter. It was flown by Squadron 3. It weighed 11 tonnes, it was 20 metres long and it could hold 12 people in the back. We went on the helicopter. We started with Room 4, Room 5, and then Room 3. The whole school got a turn to go on it. We saw a lot of stuff and buttons. Soon we had to get off and go back to class. It was super exciting! By Johnny
Today the Air Force landed in front of Lumsden School. We got to have a look inside and ask a lot of questions. The helicopter can hold many guns but we didn’t see them. The helicopter can fit 12 people inside. It was 11 tonnes and 20 metres long. It felt fun inside the helicopter and cool. By Seby
Dear Diary,
Today was fantabulously AWESOME! Guess what happened? You probably won’t be able to get it right so I’ll tell you anyway.
Well, a humongous helicopter came to school. We got to go inside. While Room 3 was looking inside, I went up to the cab and looked at all the BUTTONS!. One of the questions I asked was “Do you have any fold out beds? Just in case you’re going on a bit trip and you need to have a rest?” The answer to my question was “No, but we do use accommodation at hotels”.
After all the classes had been inside, it was time to say a big thank you! We all gathered around the 20m side of the helicopter, Sam and Tia said a couple of things, then the captain said there was enough time for the team to go get pies and coffees.
I absolutely loved getting to see the 11000kg helicopter
and learning about it. CYA later!
Indiana xoxo
H uge helicopter
E xciting
L ooks awesome
I nsane (so cool)
C ool
O ur class got to go in the helicopter
P propellers were big
T op best helicopter I have ever
E xperience
R eally big
By Abbey
H uge flying object
E normous helicopter
L oud and windy
I nsanely cool
C ool experience
O ur class got to go
P ropellers are big
T hrilling
E xciting
R eally awesomely cool
By Anakin
A mazing helicopter
I love it
R acing children
F un helicopter
O h my gosh
R acing teachers
C ool landing
E xciting people
By Briar
A wesome
I mpressive
R eal
F reaky
O fficers
R ecover
C aptain
E xit
V isit to our school
I nside views
S oldier
I nterview
T alk
By Preston
A wesome surprise
I mpressive questions
R acing kids
F antastic fun
O pening doors
R acing teachers
C ool landing
V isit to Lumsden School
I love it
S quadron 3
I mpressive people
T oo many kids
By Elsie
Today a helicopter came to school. They showed us their helicopter and told us about helicopters.
By Syd
Today a helicopter came to Lumsden School. The helicopter is 11 tonnes. The helicopter can take 12 people.
By Fraser
A helicopter came to the school. We went inside it. It was amazing. It could fit 12 people in it.
By Laura
Today a helicopter came to Lumsden School and the soldiers told us about the helicopter and the soldiers told us about where they live.
By Billie-Jay
Today the Air Force helicopter came to Lumsden School and I got to look in the pilot’s room. They gave us a tour round the helicopter.
By Liam
A mazing
I nteresting things
R eal cool
F reakily awesome
O ur heads felt excited
R eal life
C razy sight
E xclusive experience
V isited Lumsden School
I mmediately cool
S quadron 3
I mpressive
T otal amazingness
By Sarah