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Newsletter 5 - March 5th 2021

Kia ora koutou

Despite a return to Alert Level 2 we’ve managed to have a great week albeit a busy one. Tuesday and Wednesday we had our Learning Hui. The format was changed this year as previously these meetings have taken place in the week or two after reports have gone out mid and end of year. It was great seeing so many people coming to talk with teachers about the learning taking place in the classrooms. If you have any feedback you’d like to give on the change of format please get in touch.

Being discussed quite a bit this year is the new New Zealand Histories Curriculum. We’ll be seeking input for our school curriculum from our wider community during the course of the year. We’re aware there is a lot of knowledge out there which we hope will feed into what we do here at school. The new curriculum is open now for public viewing and feedback at a nationwide level. If you’d like to read through and offer feedback on it follow this link:

There is a Teacher Only Day coming up in early next month (I can almost hear the students cheering!). On 12 April which is the last Monday of the term, our staff will be participating in professional learning for the day with an outside facilitator. The focus is to support us with other professional learning already taking place during 2021. An additional focus will be on the implementation and integration of the Digital Curriculum that was introduced in 2020. School will be closed to students that day.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Ka kite ano

Callum Tytler



Welcome to School

Great to welcome Georgie Law to Room 4 recently. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.


Northern Athletics

Confirming Athletics are on next Thursday, 11th March. Please return all permission slips on Monday. Thanks to those families who have already returned their slips.


FoLS Meeting

FoLS meeting Wednesday 10th March 7pm at the Lumsden Pub. Come along for a casual catch up, all welcome. Any apologies or queries to Beks Ware ph 027 462 0508.


Term 1 Swimming

Children will be swimming on Wednesday afternoons. Parent help will be required in order to provide a safe adult:child ratio for supervision. Please contact the school if you are able to help – Thank you.


School Lawns

Here are the guidelines to follow;

· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket

· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill

· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow

· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.

The roster for the next few weeks is:

  • 6/7 March Walling Family

  • 13/14 March Baker Family


Emergency Contacts

While many families have cellphones we still require the name of at least one other person we can contact in the event of an emergency or illness of your child, who could come and collect your child. If your phone number or address has changed please remember to advise us so we can update our records.


Financial Contribution

The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.

We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the first term as soon as possible. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum. Please make payment to Sharon in the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference).

Please feel free to discuss this with Callum or Amanda Russell (BOT Chairperson 022 088 2265) if you have any other questions or concerns about this request.


Aeronautical Engineers in the Making

Preston and Hunter were following written instructions in a book to make a paper aeroplane launched by a catapult.


‘Stick Man’ Story Creations

Sophie and Rosy made their own ‘Stick Men’ after reading the book.


Bingo Night – Fundraising for Mossburn School. Friday 19 March at the Mossburn Community Centre Club Rooms. Doors open at 7pm and calling starts at 7.30pm. Bingo cards and raffles will be available throughout the night. Great prizes and supper. Eftpos is available at the bar. Hope to see you there.


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