Kia ora koutou
Last week I reported that we had athletes competing in both the Northern Swimming and in Southland Athletics held on Saturday. All participants competed well, giving their all and it was a great couple of sporting days. There were some nail biting finishes and it was awesome to see some former Lumsden School students, now at NSC, competing as part of the Northern team at the athletics. Well done all of you and a huge thanks to the parents who made it happen.
Next week we’ll be starting a Breakfast Club. We have Weetbix and milk available for any students who need breakfast in the morning or a bit more to get their day off to a good start. A healthy breakfast is important for a day of learning. Our Year 6 Leaders are going to have a part in getting this up and running with staff support this term. Next term we’ll be asking for community volunteers to help run this for about 25 minutes before school. Even doing one day a fortnight would be a huge help. Let me know if you’re interested.
Just a reminder that school will start back Wednesday next week after the Easter break. And despite it being April 1, that’s no joke. See you next week.
Ka kite ano
Callum Tytler

The FoLS AGM will be held on 15th April, at 7.30 pm, at the Lumsden Hotel. All welcome.
Buddy Reading
Most Tuesday mornings for the last few years, Lumsden School children have benefitted from the time and dedication of community members who come into school to sit down and read with them. It would be great to hear from anyone who would be interested in joining this buddy reading team. Please contact the school office on 03 248 7474 for any further information. Thank you.
Happy Retirement
Yesterday we celebrated with Helen, as she retired from the Dental Service after nearly 40 years! Best wishes on your well deserved retirement.
School Lawns
The roster for the next few weeks is:
10/11 April Crawford Family
17/18 April Drummond Family
Financial Contribution
Thanks to all those families who have paid their donation to the school your support is much appreciated.
Junior Hockey
Welcome to Eastern Southland's Junior Hockey registration. This year again all age groups will play on the turf. Please complete the following form to register your child for the 2021 season. Please note registrations MUST be completed by the 9th April (Yr 0 – Yr 6). Any registrations after these dates will not be possible.
· Yr 1 & 2 Fridays 3:30 - 7pm Subs $40 Julie Bensemann 027 233 5673
· Yr 3 & 4 Fridays 3:30 - 7pm Subs $55 Maria Hansen 027 208 0101
· Yr 5 & 6 Monday 3:30 - 7pm Subs $70 Nic Roy 027 233 4728
Once you have completed your child's registration you will be sent an email with a reference number. If you do not receive an email confirmation or have any questions please contact the appropriate person listed above.
Can you please make payment to 03 0915 0312424 008 and use the reference number in the email along with your child's name in the code field by the 16th May.
Room 4 Visit to Riverstones
Our Room 4 students enjoyed their visit to Riverstones on Thursday.
Thank you
Thanks to those families who have supported the school through the Cash for Communities programme, your support is much appreciated.
