Kia ora
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS to our Year 6 Leaders! Although the selection process was very difficult we have managed to create a great team. I’m looking forward to seeing their input to the school as the year progresses.
Also, well done to everyone who participated in touch rugby or cricket over the past couple of weeks, I know there were good numbers on both nights.
Thank you also to everyone who helped out at athletics and to the students who tried so hard! This is a huge day for us and despite the odd light shower and a chilly breeze was a great day. Another huge CONGRATULATIONS to Tia Ware and Xavier Kington who were our senior champions, a great effort by both of them.
This week we’ve been visited by Harrold. All of our students have spent time with him and Teresa Wallace in the Life Education trailer learning more about identity and resilience. Very important topics so great to have Life Education here for it.
Swimming begins on Monday. We have the instructors coming up from Invercargill to work with our students. Swimming gear will be needed each day until Monday 23 March with the exception on next Thursday. There is no swimming on that day due to Northern Athletics being on.
Our school is a busy place and I’m mindful that it is a team effort to get it operating at the high standard it does. There currently exists a vacancy on our BOT. This is a great group of people to work with who make a real difference in and around the school. There is a small time commitment but the rewards are huge. If you would like to know more please get in touch. Another great group of people to work with is our FoLS who also make a huge difference in and around the school. I know there is an update elsewhere but wanted to recognise and thank this group.
Next time you’re able to have a look down our hallway. The lining is on the walls and the carpet is due to be down early next week. Our new breakout spaces / art bays are almost done too and it all looks wonderful. Not long to go.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Ka kite ano,
Callum Tytler
Acting Principal

Welcome to School
Recently we have welcomed Sophie Haydon, Seb Kelsall and Sylvia Selbie to school. Sophie is in Room 5 and Seb and Sylvia are in Room 4. We hope you enjoy your time at Lumsden School.
Swimming Coaching Programme
The coaching programme commences this coming Monday, 9th March, for all the classes. The coaching programme will run each morning (except for Thursday 12th March) 9.30 am – 12.00 pm until Monday, 23rdMarch. Please remind children to bring their swimming togs/towel each day.
· Room 5: 9:30-10:00
· Room 4: 10:00-10:30
· Room 2: 10:30-11:00
· Room 1: 11:00-11:30
School Lawns
Here are the guidelines to follow;
· Pick up the school mower shed key from the Four Square Supermarket
· Check the mower has fuel and fill from can in shed if necessary. Please let the school know if petrol can is low and we will refill
· Check the map attached to the mower showing which areas to mow
· Catcher loads of grass can be emptied around the back of the school next to the sports container. Wheelbarrow next to shed or in vege garden area available if required
· Top mower up with fuel, when finished and return key to Four Square Supermarket.
The roster for the next few weeks is:
7/8 March Muir Family
14/15 March Raga Family
21/22 March Reed Family
Mid Dome Athletics Results:
Congratulations to all our Place-getters. Thank you to all the parent helpers whose support, including helping with the various events and working behind the BBQ, was much appreciated.

Special congratulations to our Mid Dome age-group champions: Saige Cambridge, Lachlan Gill, Xavier Kington, Tia Ware, Kahn Henry and Amelia Leach.

Athletics Day BBQ
Huge thanks to Kirsty Bryan for organising the BBQ and her team of helpers (Oleta Crawford, Janice Kington, Jan McFadzien, Linzi Keen, Ang Sheat, Naomi Olsen and Trinity Butler) People really appreciated some warm food on what was a chilly day!
Rural Women’s afternoon tea
Next Wednesday, Linzi Keen and Sarah Cooper are serving food at the Senior Citizens room. This event will raise $400 for FoLS. Thanks to members of the FoLS catering team who offered to make food. Please deliver food to the school in the morning or bring it down to the SC rooms at 13:30.
· Teresa Pullar - cupcakes
· Liv Selbie - eclairs
· Tash Muir - triangle sammies
· Jo Whitlock - shortbread
· Noortje Hamers van den Berkmortel - cheese straws
· Rosie Hore - asparagus rolls
· Megan Ussher - club sandwiches
Also thanks to Trish Gill, Amanda Russell and Sharlie Morton for assisting with the clean up after the tea.
Next FoLS meeting
· Thursday 12th March 7.00 pm
· Focus of meeting : Fundraising for new furniture for new learning spaces.
· Who should attend : Anyone who has children at the school who is interested in exploring ways to raise funds to improve the learning environment of the students. Attendance can involve as little as providing your views to becoming an active FOLs fundraiser this year.
Financial Contribution
The Board of Trustees respectfully ask for financial donations from each family to the value of $100 per child for the first two children and $70 for the third per annum.
We ask that you pay $25 per child (for the first two) and $17.50 for the third child for the first term as soon as possible. Alternatively you may wish to pay the full annual donation as a lump sum before this date. Please make payment to Sharon in the office at school or directly into the school bank account 030960-0112624-00 (child/ren’s name as reference). Thanks to those families who have already paid.
Southland Schools Swimming Championships
These are taking place on Sunday 5thApril 2020, at Splash Palace Invercargill. If you are interested in entering your children please contact the office for further information by Friday, 20th March.
Mossburn Netball Club Trials
Adults and Years 11, 12 and 13s: Tuesday, March 10that 7pm at the Mossburn Complex. Junior Trials, Thursday, March 12th, Years 1-8 at 4pm and Years 8-13 from 5 - 6pm at the Mossburn Complex. Please register online at attending trials. All inquiries to Nicole Sharp 027 866 3972.

Winton Football Club Inc
We are having a have a go and club information session along with second hand boot sale on Saturday 14 March 2020 at 2.00 pm at Moore’s Reserve Winton. All interested junior players (4 - 16 years, girls and boys) are welcome to attend or contact Wendy Boniface or 027 427 0447. Senior player contacts are: Grant Campbell for men 027 503 4257 or and Martina Lips for women 021 037 5695 or
